How to stay safe at a convention.

Hello again science fiction, fantasy, and anime fans out there. Scififantasyanimeman here. And for all you under 18 fans out there you should go get your parents and bring them here because I’ve got some important information to relate. With Kumoricon, the anime convention here in the Portland area, so close I decided it might be a good idea if I gave out some pointers to keep you, your family, and friends safe. This advice isn’t just for under 18 people, it’s for handicapped and anyone in any particular group. And it not only applies to my cons but to any con. Trust me, you really should pay close attention to this. 


Yeah I know this will definitely cost money but trust me getting a hotel room is a very good idea. First of all this will give you a place to retreat to if going to all those panels and events is starting to wear you down. Also in the event you find you’ve a little more swag then you anticipated then you can drop off your stuff at your room. Also if you plan on staying for some of the evening panels then you can have a room to retreat to for some sleep and a good shower in the morning. Contrary to what one might see on a lot of T.V. crime shows the likelyhood of a person being attacked in a reputable, major hotel is highly unlikely. All major hotel chains such as The Hilton, and The Marriott pride themselves on having top of the line security. After all they do want to make money and have people come back to their hotels. So when you get a hotel room or go to a panel you can be rest assured that you’re being watched over by first-rate security to keep you safe whether it’s your room or a panel. This is why I recommend getting a hotel room.


When going to a convention having friends or even family members along can make the experience that much more special and safer. When there’s more than just one person in a group that means there’s more than one set of eyes watching. Criminal types such as pickpockets and common thieves like to hit people who are on their own and steer clear of those who have more than just one person in a group. The short of it is having family and friends who are into the same things you are at a convention will help keep you out of harm’s way and make your convention experience that much more enjoyable.


Suppose for example you want to get something to eat and the hotel or convention center eateries don’t quite suit your fancy. Suppose that a place you want to go is outside the hotel, well as long as it’s during the daylight hours that’s no problem. Criminals are less likely to come out during the daylight hours because there are too many people up and about, too many witnesses. This is also a great time to get anything you might have forgotten to buy before the con in the event that a handy grocery store happens to be nearby the convention area. At night whether in these tough economic times or in general a lot of desperate and bad people come out. And they have the potential to hurt you, your friends, or family. Believe me going to panels and getting stuff done at a convention during the daylight hours is very safe. And at night I strongly suggest staying in the hotel. There are exceptions to the rule. If the hotel you’re staying in is close to the convention center or if the Hotel itself is the convention location then you’re all set and to go do as you please. But trust me if your hotel is a good distance from the convention I strongly recommend staying in the hotel after dark.  Also if you’re planning on making your convention a day trip it’s always a good idea to leave and take the bus or drive home while there’s still daylight out. Trust me, this a very good idea.


Criminal types don’t like to attract attention, as a matter of fact they go out of their way to avoid it. This is a reason why for my next suggestion for staying safe I strongly suggest staying in a crowded well-lit place. If your money supply has run low and you know where to find an ATM make sure it’s in a well-lit place where people can see you. Using a hotel ATM is a wonderful idea because you’ll be under hotel security’s watchful eye. Granted like you I too reel at the idea of getting hit with a surcharge when using an ATM that isn’t my bank. But sometimes it’s better to pay to play and stay safe. Also if you’re hungry and happen to know that a mall is near your convention location then go there by all means. Malls always have good places to eat and especially during the daylight hours they have first rate security to keep visitors safe. Trust me when going to a convention crowded well lit places are good.


In this era where people have mobile phones and I-phones it’s definitely a good idea to have yours charged and have friends and/or family who are your emergency backup on standby. After all one never knows what might happen, a family emergency might come up, you might get injured or something unexpected might happen. The short of it is have your cell phone or I-phone charged up and ready to go in case of an emergency. If you have friends and/or family at the con and need to or want to meet up later you can call them and make arrangements for that meet-up later on after you’re done with what you want to do. Communication is definitely key to a good con experience.


This is something I can’t stress enough. If the convention your planning on going to happens to be in your home city then it’s a good idea if before the con you go to where the convention is happening and take notes on the places to eat and any other places of importance during the con. My suggestion is get familiar with the area around the hotel for up to 3 blocks radius. If one is familiar with the area one can feel at least a little more at ease because you’ll know where to go and how to get to your hotel room and/or the convention center. Remember knowing your environment is very good. 


Meeting new people at a convention is wonderful experience. I’ve been fortunate that I’ve met some very kindly individuals at the conventions. However when engaging in conversations be aware that there some red flag questions that should never be asked. If they start asking uncomfortable questions about your personal life that’s a good warning sign to back off, another good warning sign is if they inquire about your banking information, that’s another good warning sign to back off. In this new era with information thieves running amuck information is power. And keeping your information safe is paramount in this new era. Most conventioneers and people are genuinely honorable folk who want to do the right thing by you. But keep a watchful eye out for those proverbial rotten apples in the barrel, they’re the ones who can turn a convention trip into a nightmare. So judge people by their actions and be careful what kind of information you give out.


While this quip may seem humorous it underlines a far more serious something. In the event that you should spot some criminal activity taking place at the convention center or hotel where the con is do not engage the perpetrator unless you have the proper skills. If you don’t what you do is get as much detail as you can on the crime’s perpetrator safely then go to hotel or convention center security and/or the police. These said individuals have proper training in how to deal with troublemakers. So unless you’ve had approved training in how to handle criminal types get as much as you can on the perp then take that information to the proper authorities and leave it up to them.

Well that’s all I can think of for now. If I missed anything please me know or if I’ve misinterpreted anything. Until then take care out there good folks. This is Scififantasyanimeman saying I will will…see ya’!

~ by scififantasyanimeman on 08/15/2009.

One Response to “How to stay safe at a convention.”

  1. Thanks scififantasyanimeman! 😀

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